Monday, February 21, 2011


i run to find a place to go. i run at a constant pace. whenever i find that place i will know because my heart will heat and feel like it is beginning to melt. once i get there i don't know what i will do. If i never find that place i guess i will be alone. All i want to do is have a home, somewhere for me to be free. To breathe my own air. i just want to be me in my...Home.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Memories Essay

Have you ever been caught up in a memory?
                Well I have been reading this book. It is called ribbons and there is a girl who is getting pulled into someone else’s memories. But there was a problem; she didn’t like this so well. Have you ever felt weird when someone has a dream and they said was related to you, this is the position this girl was in. Even though that person might not understand what they are doing to you it could still be weird.  Before she could get past this she had to confront the other person Unless you know how to solve problems like this then it could be a somewhat complicated situation. Here are a few tips to make it through situations like this.
First, let me tell you a little of what happened. So there is a girl and her grandmother is coming in from a different country, and her grandmother had a very unfortunate past which involved ribbons. But the girl does ballet and she has her ribbon ballet shoes. Although she loves it there is a problem, her Grandmother does not approve. It is not that her grandmother does not want her to do it; it’s just the fact that her past is coming back and haunting her every time she sees the ribbons. So she throws them away and the girl has to confront her and tell her that it is okay to have the ribbons because they are for ballet and then the Grandmother looked inside her heart and gave them back to her. Until the grandmother was confronted she would have never known.
Furthermore, this is what you have to do confront the person and tell them how you feel. Until you do it, is hidden among the non existing thoughts. You have to tell them, inform then on what is going on. No one likes to feel absent minded. People want to know what is going on but they can’t help you if you don’t let them know what is wrong. As you can tell that would the girl did. Do you think the Grandmother knew the problem until she was told?
Next, you need to explain why you feel this way? Explain to them what the problem is and why you have a problem. Most of the time this is avoided and people will tell what the problem is but will not explain unless you have. Think into the other persons brain tell them before they have to ask you. When you do this that person will have a better understanding and will be more open to responding to your request. You might not believe this but that other person wants to know.
Finally, be careful of how you say it. You don’t want to take it over the top. While you are talking make sure to look them in the eye. A lot of the time people put themselves in bad positions because of their body language. Body language is key. Even though it is sometimes hardly ever recognized when it is recognized you want it to be good. Which means you are not slouching and looking like you really don’t care you just want something, you need to stand tall and make them feel what you feel make them think what you think make them relate.
Well these are just a few tips you could use to get yourself out of these positions. You will not always have someone there to guide you sometimes you have to know what to do on your own. People will not always be alongside you walking you through everything. After you learn this you will be okay. Until then just try to stay away from these types of situations. I hope you don’t get into these types of situations but if you do these are some helpful hints you can use.           

Thursday, February 3, 2011

My Day Yesterday

Yesterday was a wonderful day. I sat upon my throne that i call my bed. As i lay and watch television. i began to think in my head there is food downstairs that desires to be eaten. So as i get out of bed i yawn and say good morning to the air that i am so happy to still have to breathe this fantastic day. But i walk down to the food. I eat bacon 3 slices with ketchup and potatoes with ketchup and no they were not mashed. it was o so yummy. but before i ate i attempted to shovel my yard which did not work so well first i was frozen and cam in then i put 4 pairs of socks on my hands and so i then went back out and tried still no outcome so i shoveled the porch and decided to be all done. when i cam back in was when i ate after i ate i played farkle on facebook but all in all my day was AWESOME!!!!


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